How PlanRight can help with Forecasting

May 7, 2020

As at the end of March 2020, COVID-19 has now spread to almost 200 countries and territories, with approximately 800,000 confirmed cases globally.  New Zealand now has 800+ cases and this number is expected to continue to rise over the coming weeks.

Governments around the world have issued a number of directives and have introduced financial support for businesses and employers, including payroll protection, delaying interest payments, and averting unnecessary business collapse wherever possible. These initiatives will be well received as businesses come to terms with the impact of the virus on their bottom lines.

Although COVID-19 has reached unprecedented levels, there are steps you can take on an individual level to ensure the sustainability of your business and to help forecast to determine your eligibility for Government assistance.

PlanRight gives you confidence in planning by providing full visibility over all of your projects including the tasks allocated to each staff member and when the work is scheduled.

PlanRight avoids work-flow surprises by enabling you to see exactly which staff members have capacity with its real-time information. The clever and simple to use dashboard gives you the capability to view your pipeline by day, week or month and the capacity bar shows you where the gaps are.

Crucially, PlanRight enables you to quickly and accurately forecast your next week/s or next month/s scheduled workload and also forecasts revenue by calculating hourly staffing rates against the allocated time scheduled to undertake tasks.  This feature is key in helping you to determine what may lay ahead for your business during this unprecedented time and to highlight any gaps in the pipeline where you may need to re-distribute work to ensure a more regular cash flow.  The re-allocation of work can be easily managed via PlanRight’s user friendly and intuitive drag and drop functionality.

The ability to accurately plan and forecast your pipeline is essential for businesses now more than ever, enabling you to make informed decisions, give you confidence in planning, and the ability to know exactly when you should reach out for Government assistance.

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